Holemaking NC sequences can reference datum points instead of axes. If you specify a datum point, the system will create a temporary datum axis through this point and normal to a certain projection surface, which can be defined implicitly or explicitly as explained below. This axis will then be used to build the tool path.
If you use the Points method, Auto drill depth is not available.
The Points method can not be combined with other methods of hole selection. If you try using Points when some of the holes have already been selected using another method (or vice versa), the system will ask you if you want to discard the previous selections.
There are three ways to select points for drilling:
By Points—Select individual datum points, or collect all datum points belonging to a feature.
On Surface—Collect all datum points on selected surfaces.
File—Specify a coordinate system to be used as origin for the datum point array file (the coordinate system is assumed to be Cartesian), then either read in a file with the datum points’ coordinates using the Browse button (the expected file extension is .pts), or enter the coordinate values from the keyboard using the Edit button. The Edit button also allows you to edit an existing datum point array file after it has been read in.
Projection surfaces are defined differently, depending on the points selection technique:
On Surface—Surfaces selected for collecting the datum points will also be used as projection surfaces.
By Points or File—For 3 Axis Holemaking, the projection surface is the retract surface. For 5-Axis Holemaking, you have to explicitly select projection surfaces.
When selecting using By Points or File, entering a value for Maximum Distance lets you specify how far the points can be from the projection surfaces. If some or all of the input points are too far from projection surfaces, they will be disregarded and the system will issue a message.
See Also