
Torben Lenau, Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Section for Engineering Design and Product Development
Technical University of Denmark
Koppels Allé Building 404, DK-2800 Lyngby
tel: +45 4525 4811
e-mail: lenau@dtu.dk
ORCID: 0000-0002-9749-526X

Last update: 4. October, 2024


Biologically Inspired Design (BID), biomimetics, biomimicry - inspiration from nature

The Beetle Project - visual and aesthetic surfaces inspired by nature

Textiles - Smart and structural textiles and composites

Flexform - flexible production tools for free form surfaces

Foresigt for innovators

Interests: Material innovation, biomimetics, aestethic surfaces, thin layer surface technology, composite materials technology, material and process selection, design for manufacturing, dissemination of manufacturing knowledge, reverse engineering and rapid prototyping.


My experience lies within design & innovation, product development, materials & manufacturing, eco-design and biomimetics/bio-inspired design - in short 'Integrated material design and biomimetics'.

I am interested in biomimetics because nature is an enormous source of technical solutions. In order to be creative in design you need input on new ways of solving problems and detailed information about how existing solutions work. Together with colleagues and students I am working with photonic structures for structural colours inspired by beetles and diatom algae. Plant movement inspires me to robust and autonomous solar trackers for solar cells and daylight in buildings. Mosquitos and other biting animals give input for how to new ways of drug delivery. The construction of spider webs offer new approaches for hos to structure composite materials and for how to achieve energy absorbing structures.

Working with bio-inspiration stimulates cross-disciplinary collaboration and the ability to transfer knowledge between different knowledge domains.

Broad knowledge about materials and production methods is essential for making qualified technical innovation and product development work and for exploring environmental and sustainability consequences. I have developed the award winning internet encyclopedea Design inSite that through internet availability guides and inspires industrial designers and engineers in exploring new materials and ways of producing them.

My university position allows me to work with and explore these areas and to teach and disseminate the topics. I teach product analysis and redesign where students in groups explores the user aspects of products and proposes new design concepts for better products. Another course is biomimetics and bio-inspired design where students are trained in searching for biological analogies to specific functional problems and in acquiring sufficient knowledge of the biological equivalents.

I have a bachelor degree in manufacturing engineering (1982), a master in engineering design (1985) and a Ph.D. (1989) in design for manufacturing from The Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This was followed by a post doc. position at DTU, guest researcher at Brunel University and a period as project manager at IPU - The Institute for Product Development. The industrial IPU-projects concerned Environmental guidelines for product families (description in Danish) and Ecodesign of plastic products.

I was for 6 years the coordinator of graduate studies in Design and Innovation M. Sc. Eng. offered at the Technical University of Denmark and one of the initiators behind the development of the curriculum. I have been working with
cross diciplinary education programs in Integrated Design, Art Production and Biomimetics in collaboration with The Danish Design School, Copenhagen Business School, The Royal Academy of Art and Copenhagen University. 


EU Horizon-MSCA-2021-SE-01 project (MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021):
CSTO2NE - Biomimicry and carbon adsorbent eco-materials for a climate-neutral economy (2023-2026). The objective is to develop innovative solutions for recycling and valorising biowaste and industrial waste into new eco-engineered materials through industrial symbiosis waste co-utilization, mineral carbonation, and biomimicry approach.

PolyNeedle Dental
Innovation Fund: Innoexplorer (2021-2022): The PolyNeedle Dental project explored options for achieving better dental root treatment by improving the root irrigation tools and procedures. A narrow flexible specially shaped polymer irrigation needle was developed and tested in collaboration with the Copenhagen University Dental School.

The Danish Council for Independent Research | Technology and Production Sciences (2013-2015): Diatom Algea has intricate micro and nano patterns in their surrounding shells. The patterns are believed to have photonic properties where undesired UV radiation is filtered away. The cross disciplinary project with researchers from biology, photonics and biomimicry aimed at improved understanding of the diatoms through experimental work and numerical simulations.


Present courses
41020/42020 Product analysis and redesign, (undergraduate course from 2003)
Biologically Inspired Design (BID) (graduate course from 2014)
27020 Bioengineering (undergraduate course from 2019)
Previous courses: 
02569 Light and materials (undergraduate course from 2005)
41070/42070 Holistic design (graduate course from 2005-2013)
41816, 41817 and 41818 on CAD (from 1986-2013).
42373/42374 Integrated Design (graduate course from 1998-2001)
Art Production (special course for 23 students in 2001)
41634/ 41658 Product development (2001-2003)

Final year students
Mark Vedel and Jacob Siegumfeldt: Process planning for prismatic parts (01/04/1987-31/03/1988)
Wilhelm E. Petersen: Fail diagnosis on large diesel motors (01/08/1988-31/01/1989)
Susanne Urhøj: Computer supported tool design for powder compaction (-03/1990)
Leif Horn Nielsen: Design rules for pressure die casting (-07/1990)
Lars Christian Mathiesen and Thomas Algren: Production preparation in smaller companies (-08/1990)
Henrik Stig Borstrøm: CAD design and production (1991-01/1992)
Michael Dupont Jensen and Morten Per Jørgensen: Computer aided process planning with ICEM Part (01/03/1993-31/08/1993)
Ove M.V.Kalum Jensen: Experience feedback from production (-09/1993)
Jette Skødt and Thomas Egebøl: The role of pressure die casting in a modern production (-31/08/1994)
Thomas Aakjær Jensen: Process and material catalogue for engineering designers (04/1994-10/1994)
Andrea Mazzili: Manufacturing survey in France, Italy and Spain with emphasis on ceramic materials (1995-1996)
Poul Bundgaard Hansen and Karsten Gotved: Productivity improvements in section 22 at Radiometer Medical (01/09/1996-31/08/1997)
Mads Hartvig Jensen and Kasper Brehmer: Development of modular pump (01/09/1997 - 31/08/98)
Ole Christian Madsen: Selection of composites - Information requirements (01/09/1997 - 31/01/1998)
Per Ravn Hermansen: Disposal of electrical products (14/09/1998 - 01/03/1999))
Giovanni Lucchetta: Life cycle assessment for furniture (01/03/1999 - 31/07/1999)
Ruben Sebastian: Design Guidelines for hand lay-up composites (12/02/1999 - 31/07/1999)
Thomas Rønnow Olesen: Involving users in development of userinterfaces and designmodels (10/01/2001 - 30/06/2001)
Dennis Brian Nielsen: Design of blod glucose-meter (02/02/2001- 02/08/2001)
Thomas Sørensen: Userinterface and Communication for integrated blodglocosis meter (15/01/2001 - 17/12/2001)
Tomas Brink Schiønning: Product sound and user interface for insulin device (19/03/2001-01/06/2001)
Oskar Myhre Broberg og Jesper Bruun Jensen: Production preparation for 3D-mouse (30/10/2000 - 14/9/2001)
Poul Laksafoss: Ultra light composite aircraft (1/3-30/9-2006)
Jakob Grupe Larsen og Anders Helbo Hansen: Aktiv ventilation i Velux vinduer (6/2-31/7-2008)
Nikolaj Kjelgaard Vedel-Smith:Tool to facilitate versatile shaping (september 2008-maj 2009)
Troels Holm Pedersen: Tool to facilitate versatile shaping (concrete facade elements) (september 2008-maj 2009)
Thor Højlund Olsen & Peter Friederichsen: Development of equipment for laparoscopy (1/9-2008-28/2-2009)
Henrik Zinck Østergaard: Aid for shift of position (1/9-2008-1/3-2009) - supervised together with Steen Dawids
Erik Haastrup Müller and Andreas Vinner: Power platforms to 3rd world countries (1/10-2008-30/4-2009)
Elisabeth Heimdal: Interactive Inspirationel Tool for Smart Textiles (5/1-2009-3/7-2009)
Sebastian Sztuk and Thomas Lunding Berg: Theft protection of bicycles (2/2-2009-3/8-2009)
Thórunn M. Ingvarsdóttir and Tómas Vignir Gudlaugsson: Adaptive leg prosthesis (1/9-2009 - 28/2-2010)
Karen Marie Hasling: Solar Cells in Composites (1/2-2010 - 1/8-2010) supervised together with Tom Løgstrup Andersen, DTU-Risø
Martin Aggerbeck: Decorative and corrosion resistant surfaces (1/3-2010 - 31/8-2010
) supervised together with Rajan Ambat, DTU-Mekanik
Anders Harthøj: Corrosion Protection of Metallic Interconnects for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (15/3-2010 - 31/8-2010) supervised together with Per Møller, DTU Mekanik
Meiken Hansen and Hannah Vermund Franzel: Handling equiment for immobilized patients (1/9-2010 - 28-2-2011)
Lars Drøgemüller Kjeldsen: Intermittent Catheter Set for Men (1/9-2010 - 28-2-2011)
Eva Sunekær and Nicolaj Moll: Redesign and Optimization of Industrial Rotary Jet Heads (1/2-2011 - 31/7-2011) Supervised together with Sofiane Achiche, DTU Management and Jens Honore Walter, DTU Mekanik
Morten Georg Jensen and Anders Sund Nielsen: Robot for assessment of skin adhesive performance (1/9-2011-29/2-2012)
Rasmus Lage: Corrosion quality in stainless steel on industrial surfaces (15/10-2011 - 14/5-2012) Supervised together
with Per Møller
Ömer Selim Geylan: The Strong Hand - a helping hand to rheumatic sufferers, Supervised together with Ali Gürcan Özkil
Michael Fritze Rasmussen: Agile product development for manual concrete vibration (15/2-31/8-2012) in collaboration with Lolle & Nielsen
Katrine Skovbjerg Jensen: High quality single-use transportation box (30/1-20/7-2012) Supervised together with Claus Thorp Hansen.
Stine Ziska Jensen & Birka Dregart Larsen: Maturing of efficient and non-toxic rat trap (31/1-31/7-2012)
Kamilla Grove Sund & Morten Lerstrup Pedersen: Redesign of paint container (1/10-2012 - 31/3-2013) in collaboration with Durup
Alexandros Drakides & Martine Kam: Improved Packaging of Medical Syringes (1/2-2013 - 31/7-2013) in collaboration with Radiometer
Bryan O'Regan: Thorny Devil Lizard inspired Cooling (1/3-2013 - 15/8-2013)
Mads Brink Laursen: Design and development of wear resistant steel surfaces by thermoreactive diffusion processes (10/6-2/12-2013) Supervised together with Thomas Lundin Christiansen
Charlotte Præstmose Christiansen and Jon Grane Madsen: Redsign of headset base station for Jabra (2/9-2013-14/2-2014) in collaboration with GN Jabra AS
Astrid Birch and Troels Böwadt Arnved: Usability testing method for hearing instruments (23/9-2013 - 31/3-2014) Supervised together with Anja Maier in collaboration with Oticon
Giasemi (Semina) Vagiakou: Increasing daylight using sun tunnels in Greek private houses (2/9-2013 - 28/2-2014)
Anders Christian Fabricius and Martin Tilsted: Rapid design processes for development projects - improvement of a rapid design method using design of clot cleaning concept as case (20/1-20/6-2014)
Thomas Paulsen: Platform For Mobile food Ordering and Payment (15/5-15/8-2014)
Gabriel Rønne Kure: New retention and comfort in earcanal devices with the RPP method, (1/9-2014 - 16/2-2015), supervised together with Aminul Islam.
Mikkel Biering Sonnenschein: Design of an Exhibition Installation from a User Experience Perspective (1/10-2014 -27/3-2015)
Stine Renberg Andersen & David Wiese Nothlev Rasmussen: Redesign of BK Medical's rectal scanner (7/10-2014-7/3-2015)
Johan Rindmar: Solar trackers for private houses (1/1 - 30/6-2015), supervised together with Kalevi Ekman, ALTO University
Thomas Dam Poulsen: Design and injection moulding of a polymer cannula for insulin injection (2/3 - 3/8 - 2015), supervised together with Guido Tosello
Emilie Haagerup & Pernille Vergmann: Hearing aids for elderly people (24/8/2015-24/1/2016)
Uffe Lund-Hansen: Improving the usability of signal meters for modern audio-visual industry (1/10/2015-1/3/2016)
Danial Saroneh: Development of an assistive robotic arm with application of eco-design (4/1-4/7-2016)
Dana-Maria Cobzaru & Marte Riise Gjøen: Bio-inspired household goods (4/1-4/6-2016)
Ana Latorre Duque: Redesigning home insemination products and context (4/1-4/6-2016)
Emil Gram Spork: Toolkit for in-ear hearing aid (25/1-25/6-2016)
Line Gram Frøkjær and Alex Bo Christoffersen: Treatment of psoreasis through 3D printing (25/1-25/6-2016)
Anders Christian Holm Bælum: A functional Bladder Model to Simulate Micturition with and without the use of a Catheter, (5/9-2016 – 5/3-2017)
Thomas Roar Salling: Improving the use of Intermittent Catheters (22/8-2016 – 22/1-2017)
Frederik Clausager Vemb Hansen & Camilla Arndt Hansen: Design of a Theft-Proof Bicycle Lock (22/8-2016 – 22/1-2017)
Laura Fokdal & Anna Katrine Heuschkel: Design of a new hearing aid concept to promote earlier adoption (29/8-2016 – 29/1-2017)
Randi Møller Højland: Fiber Reinforced Additive Manufacturing and Prostheses (22/8-2016 – 22/1-2017) supervised together with David Bue Pedersen
Tarik Filipovic: Surface development for doctor blade chambers (1/8-2016 – 22/1-2017) supervised together with Per Møller
Morten Lindhardt Madsen & Christian Ahm: Designing new generation hearing aids for children and teenagers (23/1-23/6 2017) Together with Oticon
Tomasz Maciej Grondkowski: Mechanical solutions for pen-injectors to prevent microbiological contamination of the cartridge content (23/1-23/6-2017) Together with Novo Nordisk
Dzenan Ibrizimovic og Frederik Randbøll Jørgensen: Sun Tracking, Self-adjusting sun-tunnels, (2/1-2/6 2017) Together with Velux
Nicklas Werge Svendsen: A simplified medical device for eye operations (23/1-23/6-2017)
Adra Yildiz: Modelling tissue back pressure for auto injectors (23/1-23/6 2017) Together with NNE Pharmaplan.
Patricia Silva & Silvana Gomes: Polymer needles - mechanical and fluid behaviour (19/9-2016 - 17/7-2017)
Coralie Vitteau & Danielle Neves Rasmussen: Packaging of polymer needles in a circular economy context (22/1-22/6-2018)
Anna-Luise Metze: Improved biomimetic rowing handle grips (21/12-2017 - 21/6-2018), co-supervised with Daniel Minzari (IPU), in collaboration with Xenia Vales Gamundi Team Denmark
David Qvist: On the spot analysis of nutritional values in silage (28/1-28/6-2019), in collaboration with Foss AS
Pak Ho Tsang: Bio inspired solution for reduced urban heat (28/1-1/8-2019), in collaboration with Henning Larsen Architects AS
David Johannes Wraa Måge: Using mycelium in additive manufacturing processes (28/1-31/10-2019) co-supervised with David Bue Pedersen
Kristinn Björnsson & Vinicius Smidth de Carvalho: Improving the Transportation Safety of Children in Cargo Bicycles (28/1-28/6-2019)
Michail Petros Malliotakis: Redesign of an intraoral scanner charger based on user experience (28/1-28/6-2019), co-supervised with Ryan Arlit, together with 3Shape
Casper Fransøe Strøm & Scott Martin Carey: Biomimetic design of ingestible medical transfer device (2/9/2019-2/2-2020), together with Novo Nordisk AS
Len-Oliver Emmanuel Ottvall & Adrian Bille Hornsleth: Aquatic innovation and biologically inspired design solutions in filtration technology of oceanic plastic pollution (10/2-31/7-2020)
Allan Wandall: PolyNeedle - design for manufacturing of a polymer needle (24/8/2020 - 24/1/2021) in collaboration with David Bue Pedersen.
Nicoline Friberg Klysner: Coloured Solar Panels - a market analysis and design proposal (24/8/2020 - 24/1/2021)
Astrid Kofod Trudslev and Maria Væver Olsen: Development of tool for electrochemotherapy through endoscopic procedures (24/8/2020 - 24/2/2021) in collaboration with Steen Dawids and Peter Vilmann (Herlev Hospital).
Laura Stokbro: New Manufacturing Methods for Wind Turbine Nacelle Covers (1/9/2020 - 1/5/2021) in collaboration with David Bue Pedersen.
Dan Skovgaard Jensen, Kristian Ullum Kristensen and Lasse Koefoed Sudergaard: Redesign of pre-colonised Grow Kits for Edible Mushrooms (24/8/2020 - 24/2/2021) in collaboration with Roberto Flore
William Koefoed Nielsen and Frederik Rømming: Development of system for drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (31/8/2020 - 25/1/2021) co-supervised with Knud Erik Meyer, in collaboration with Kåre Fugleholm Buch (Rigshospitalet) and Tenna Bæk Capion (Rigshospitalet)
Troels Gregersen: Lifetime tracking of animals based on kinetic energy harvesting (1/9-2021-1/2-2022) supervised in collaboration with Rasmus Havmøller (Copenhagen University)
Rune Spiegelhauer Ottesen and Caroline Giessing: Integrating electromechanical properties into polymer needles (23/8-2021-23/1-2022) in collaboration with Ambu AS, supervised together with Allan Wandall
Bolette Riis Falk and Marie Cornali Agertoft: Single dose device concepts for novel drug technology (23/8-2021-31/1-2022) in collaboration with Novo Nordisk AS
Anna Fredgaard and Emilie Winther Schmidt: Implants as an alternative delivery technology for drugs (23/8-2021-15/2-2022) in collaboration with Novo Nordisk AS
Anders Daniel Rousing and Oscar Vilstrup Bubandt: Environmental and economical sustainable handling of plastic waste in the municipality of Copenhagen - a pilot study (24/1-24/6-2022) in collaboration with Copenhagen Municipality
Valentin Oyre Young, Line Soo Mee Skafte & Blas Maria Esandi: Development of implant applicator for Alzheimer's Disease (29/8-2022-19/2-2023) in collaboration with Novo Nordisk AS
Randi Malene Hjartåker, Danilo Paciotti / William Axel Linderoth Michaelen: Sustainability by Design: Advancing Innovation Processes at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability (5/9-2022-26/2-2023) Co-supervised with Clare Shelley-Egan and in collaboration with DTU Biosustain.
Maria Del Carmen Ruiz Belinchon & Teresa Faine Iniguez: A sustainable rainsuit for bicyling (23/1-22/6-2023) in collaboration with the company Utheu.
Lilie Gabrielle Urbanie Boizumault: Biomimetics applied to different industries and research fields (30/1-30/6-2023) in collaboration with the French company Bioxergy.
Tobias Sebastian Bernhardt & Kajeesan Jeevendra: Product development of a continuous peripheral nerve block solution for medium term patient-based pain management (30/1-30/6-2023) co-supervised with Yang Zhang and Matteo Caleon, DTU Construct and in collaboration with the medical doctors Kai Lange and Christian Rothe.
Ristil Emma Skovgaard & Eirinaios Konstantinos Papamichalis: Design and manufacturing of a polymer-based needle for skin penetration (30/1-30/6-2023) co-supervised with Yang Zhang, DTU Construct and in collaboration with Convatec AS.
Camma Louise Pjetursson and Martin Alexander Sørensen: Medical Device for High-Viscosity Injections (28/8-2023 - 28/1-2024) in collaboration with Novo Nordisk.
Gaia Dellarole, Hai Hu and Anna Maria Klaas: Design and testing of a transdermal microneedle-patch applicator for effective delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients (4/9-2023 - 4/2-2024) co-supervised with Michael Deininger and in collaboration with Novo Nordisk.
Louise Maribo Schou: Efficient flushing in narrow cavities (28/8-2023 - 18/2-2024) co-supervised with Knud Erik Meyer, DTU Construct.
Johnson Ebenezer Rajendran: Prototyping of a continuous peripheral nerve block solution for medium term patient-based pain management (4-9-2023 - 28/1-2024) co-supervised with Yang Zhang, DTU Construct and in collaboration with the medical doctors Kai Lange and Christian Rothe.
Adriana González López, Sarah Louise Brumblay Clausen and Mar Rivera Hedo: Development of polymeric needles to assist in jet-injection (29/1 - 29/6-2024) in collaboration with Novo Nordisk
Jeannette Gommendy and Rodi Mitsoura: Biomimetic micro plastic filtration (29/1 - 29/6-2024) co-supervised with Nanna Hartmann, DTU Sustain and Christian Ludvig, EPFL
Sofie Amalie Højgaard Lemche and Lin Chang Brendstrup: Reducing fear of needles through user experience study and design of injection devices (31/8-2024-31/1-2025) in collaboration with Novo Nordisk AS
Rolf Lange Wollesen and Rune Stendorff Knudsen: Development of Less Invasive Prostate Dianostic Solution (9/9-2024 - 9/2-2025) i samarbejde med BK Medical AS

Maria Bjerregaard Andersen, Louise Laumann Kjær, Kira Gizella Olah Thume, Rasmus Vistesen: Portable Vessel (Bærbart fartøj) (1/2-25/6-2005)
Christian Boksic, Jonas Brix, Jonas Rohde Frederiksen, Jais Ask Hansen: MHE - Multiple Headspace Extraction - Pressuration module for Gas Chromotographic Equipment (1/2-25/6-2005)
Signe Pedersen, Rikke Premer Petersen, Marie Louise Larsen, Thor Højlund Olsen: Shelter for refugees (30/1-26/6-2006) - supervised together with Hanne Lindegaard
Shin Knudsen, Henriette Nielsen, Tobias Toft, Anders Klose Dahlfelt, Peter Friderichsen: Water proof bags (30/1-26/6-2006)
Marinus Nejrup, Peter Nielsen: Flexible music shielding (1/2-15/6-2007)
Martin Agerbæk, Lars Elmgreen: Auxiliaries for disabled children/young people (1/2-15/6-2007) - supervised together with Hanne Lindegaard
Morten Lunde, Lasse Decker: Auxiliaries for disabled children/young people (1/2-15/6-2007) - supervised together with Hanne Lindegaard
Andreas Anderssen Tjelflåt og Rune Fogh : Redesign af skannerrobot hos Force Technology (4/2-18/6-2008)
Hannah Vermund Franzel og Meiken Hansen: Bæredygtighed og klimatopmøde (4/2-18/6-2008) - supervised together with Stig Olsen
Niels Skovby Rahbek og Bjørn Gjedde Kristensen: Redsign af kundevogn for INCO (4/2-18/6-2008)
Jakob Sindballe-Lauritsen og Niels Rask Olsen: Aerodynamisk drikkedunk (4/2-18/6-2008)
Steffen Nielsen og Andreas Lolle : Brolæggerredskab (4/2-18/6-2008) - supervised together with Hanne Lindegaard
Rasmus Lage: Human powered products, (1/9-2008-14/1-2009)
Anders Sund Nielsen og Jakob Filippson Parslov: Redesign of Bycycle Helmet, (2/2-15/6-2009)
Eva Elina Nielsen og Kim Christian Thomsen: Biological inspired safe transportation of wheelchairs (1/2 - 14/6-2010) supervised together with Søsser Brodesen
Oliver Valsgaard: Redesigning the M/84 combat uniform, supervised together with Elisabeth Heimdahl (31/1-13/6-2011)
Nikolaj Purup and Philip Fleisher: Rickshaw Ambulance, transport of patients in rural Indian area (31/1-24/6-2011)
Benjamin Nicky Teinby and Christian Windfeld Kaiser: Non-destructive fastening of roof tarp (30/1-11/6-2012)
Annemette Bøgedal Jensen and Ida Kjærsgaard Nielsen: Needle integration in next generation pre-filled devices(30/1-11/6-2012)
Pernille Randrup Vergmann and Gabriel Rønne Kure: Redesign of ECG mobile unit (30/1-11/6-2012)

Simon Fisker Strøm & Lasse Skovgaard Jensen: Vertical chute system for evacuation of people in passenger ships (30/1-11/6-2012)
Camilla Nielsen & Johan Aakerlund: Bio-inspired passive solar collectors (4/2-12/6-2013)
Kristian Sidelmann & Mathies Herskind: Bio Cooling (4/2-12/6-2013) supervised together with Brian Elmegaard DTU Mekanik
Kåre Solvåg & Anders Erlendsson: Device for less harmful mortar handling (4/2-12/6-2013) Supervised together with Steffen Nielsen (Lolle & Nielsen)
Benjamin Johansen & Søren Boesen: Medical injection inspired by nature (4/2-12/6-2013)
Mette Pedersen & Kira Madsen Lorenzen: Redesign of laparoscopic transducer for use at biopsy (4/2-12/6-2013)
Nökkvi Steinn Sigurdarson: Passive solar tracking for lighting and energy applications (2/9-2013 - 17/1-2014)
Luisa Keinprecht (Westfälische Hochschule Bocholt): Experimental and numerical analysis of the deflection in structures developed based on geometrical characteristics of orb webs (1/10-2013-20/12-2013) Supervised in collaboration with Alexander Sauer (Westfälische Hochschule Bocholt), Ole Sigmund (DTU) and Thomas Hesselberg (Oxford University)
Janus Helbo and Mikkel Haugaard Seibæk: Tool for unloading or loading containers and trailers (3/2-11/6-2014)
Supervised together with Steffen Nielsen (Lolle & Nielsen)
Mads Rømer Svensen and Jakob Wulff Andersen: Redesign of insect trap for biological pest control (3/2-11/6-2014) Supervised togehter with Lene Sigsgaard (KU-Life)
Kasper Theis Petersen and Andreas Mosgaard Snitkjær: Equipment for antibiotic resistance testing (3/2-11/6-2014)
Thor Emil Andersen and Anders Christian Holm Bælum: In-vito skin model for hypodermic needle development (3/2-11/6-2014)Supervised together with Jaqueline Trosborg, Novo Nordisk
Nadia Skov Dyrlund Enevoldsen: 3D Printing of Industrial Ceramics based upon Powder-bed Printing (3/3-28/6-2014) Supervised togehter with David Bue Pedersen DTU Mekanik
Sofie Gacs (Westfälische Hochschule Bocholt): Development of a non-metallic injection needle inspired by the mosquito’s proboscis (1/7-31/8-2014)
Laura Lottes (Intern from Bremen University of Applied Science): Development of a biomimetic inspired sun-tracking system for solar cells (1/9-2014 - 15/1-2015)
Jacob Mortensen & Rasmus Lundgaard: Polymer needles for medical injection (1/9-2014 - 19/1-2015) Supervised togehter with Kim Lau Nielsen (DTU Mekanik).
Karl Otto Willemoes: Heat activated heliotropic device (1/9-19/12-2014)
Thea Saatvedt Brekke & Laura Elvira Stokbro: Aesthetic solar cells (2/2-9/6-2015), supervised together with Anders Kristensen (DTU Nanotech)
Ronja Pereira Haase & Marianne von Freiesleben: Improved hypodermic drug delivery (2/2-9/6-2015), supervised together with Rajan Ambat (DTU Mekanik)
Synne Sorteberg Skjørten & Morten Schnack Jørgensen: Off-grid egg incubator (2/2-9/6-2015) supervised together with Jon Spangsvig and Eddugle Akwetey (Ingeniører uden grænser)
Alexander Mouritsen Loklindt & Christian Peter Frigast Zinckernagel: Earpen redesign - better hearing in a social context (2/2-9/6-2015) supervised together with Niklas Joenson (Earpen)
Anders Lui Sørensen & Andreas Körkel: Sorting of polymers for recycling (1/9/2015-22/1/2016)
Pascal Mikkelsen: Development of modular furnishing system for vans (31/8-31/12-2015)
Sylvester Schuster: Production system for eatable insects (31/8-31/12-2015)
Mads Westerback: Multi Jet 3D Print (3/9/2015-29/1-2016)
Kirstine Maria Andersen and Claes Ronnenberg: Bio-Inspired Solar Cells In Wearables (1/2-7/6-2016)
Andreas Robertson og Jacob Lykke Jensen: Concept renewal of minimally invasive surgical instrument (1/2-7/6-2016)
Mathias Håkan-Mose and Christian Gjessing Bruun: Integration of solar cells in the facade (1/2-7/6-2016)
Emil Gundersen: The diatom frustule as a biological UV filter (4/4-15/6-2016), KU-project co-supervised with Marianne Ellegaard.
Mads Lund Pedersen & Christoffer Bendtsen:Technology development of tool used for converting household plastics into reusable material (30/1-4/6 2017)
Kathrine Jerl Jensen & Elisabeth Bergendorff: Environmental improving product development of packaging (30/1-4/6 2017)
Kristian Thorsager Hastrup & Rasmus Hestbek Lund: Stiff yet flexible - developing polymer needles with the ability to change stiffness (30/1-4/6-2017)
Xenia Vales Gamundi: Improved biomimetic rowing handle grips (29/1 - 21/6-2018), , co-supervised with Daniel Minzari (IPU), in collaboration with Anne-Luise Metze Team Denmark
Karoline Fogh Gustafsson & Hedvig Rydal: User-oriented concept development of infusion set for Convatec medical pump (29/1-30/5 2018) in collaboration with Convatec AS
Mads Christoffer Ørting & Christoffer Egelund Thomsen: Grow technology - a new manufacturing method (29/1-30/5 2018) co-supervised with David Bue Pedersen
Dan Skovgaard Jensen, Kristian Ullum Kristensen & Lasse Koefoed Sudergaard: Sustainable sandwich composite materials for surfboards (29/1-30/5 2018) co-supervised with David Bue Pedersen
Liv Arent Kirknel: Development of multi-functional wall systems for dynamic office environments (3/9-21/12-2018) In collaboration with Saint Gobain.
Anna Fredgaard & Emilie Winther Schmidt: Fusion and MR og ultralyd til laparoskopisk skanning af leveren (4/2-27/6-2019) in collaboration with BK Medical AS
Marius Helmer Larsen & Tobias Pock-Steen Jørgensen: Waste as a resource - waste management without incineration (4/2-7/6-2019) in colaboration with Rina Lauritzen Trautner, Globalt Fokus and Marie Louise Pollman-Larsen, Skylab.dtu.
Anders Daniel Rousing, Christoffer Søholm Kristensen and Jia Jue Johannes Chen: Eco-redesign of a snowboard, incorporating recycled ocean plastics (4/2-11/6-2019) co-supervised with Tim McAloone, together with Plastix AS
Martin Frydenlund Gylstorff & Stefan Vucurevic: Body-link solution for hearing implant(2/9/2019-26/1/2020) together with Oticon AS
Peter Houge Aggerholm & Mathias Christensen: Improvement of Medical Adherence (3/2-8/6-2020), co-supervised with Niels Henrik Mortensen and Steen Davids
Oskar Holm Møller, Nikolaj Christian Constantin Brun & Lasse Pelle Skytte Hansen:Solar Tree - a solar cell demonstrator for the Roskilde Festival (3/2-3/6-2020) in collaboration with DTU Energy
Marlene Schmidt Pedersen, Nanna Marie Sternhagen Nielsen & Daniel Lilja Frykman: Recycling for change - upcycling plastic in a refugee camp (3/2-8/6-2020) together with Lendager Group
Lukas McKay & Frederik Høgdal: 3d-structures in Mycelium Material (3/2-3/6-2020)
Viktor Lukas Müller Thomsen & Kristine Fisker: Metal-like plastics for hospital applications (3/2-3/6-2020)
Magnus Seidenfaden, Kajeesan Jeevendra & Emilie Kjeldsen: Bio-inspired injection device for sustainable insulin treatment (3/2-3/6-2020) together with Novo Nordisk AS.
Josefine Schwab Rolver, Mia Hemmingsen and Josefine Steinfurth: Redesign of dental root treatment methods and tools (1/2-25/6-2021)
Daniel Iga and Lukas Ladefoged Andreasen Automation of polymer needle production (1/2-25/6-2021)
Benjamin Trasborg and Martin Riedel Test automation of resuscitator bags (1/2-30/6-2021) in collaboration with Ambu AS
Sebastian Barnstein Nielsen and Jonas Littau Mærsk: Recovering and remanufacturing discarded backlit monitors into environmentally and economically sustainable light sources, supervised together with David Bue Pedersen and Keneth Weiss (07/09-21/12-2021)
Alberte Drivsholm and Helene Aamand Pedersen: Vaginal flora modification for prevention of urinary infections, supervised together with Steen Dawids (21/02-06/06-2022)
Rebecca Lindy Elizabeth Cunningham and Theis Rosenkvist Sørensen: Potential applications of 3Ddrawing, supervised together with Allan Wandall (07/02-20/05-2022)
Christoffer Storm Hansen and Jacob Kjartan Rolff-Petersen: Bioinspired restriction of bending in polymer needles, supervised together with Allan Wandall (31/01-20/5-2022)
Andreas Ihmels Svanebjerg: Prototyping touch-free interactive device (29/8-11/12-2022) co-supervised with Michael Linde Jakobsen DTU Electro
Peter Gustav Rilenter Leunbach:Positioning and fixation of peripheral nerve catheter (28/10-30/12-2022) Co-supervised with Yang Zhang DTU Construct
Andreas Børresen, Alex Nielsen & Nader Mahmoud: Redesign of tube and fixturing for a transtibial prothesis (6/2-2022-22/5-2023) in collaboration with Snapform Aps.
Esben Kristian Starup Stage and Rasmus Hays Hofmann Christensen: Perception of single sound sources in noisy environments using headtracking (2/9-15/12-2023) in collaboration with Oticon.
Julie Kruse Lange: User-oriented design of product for optimization of work within regenerative agriculture (5/2-10/5-2024).
Benedikte Mia Ahrensberg & Ditte Marie Næss Lindgreen: Reaching out to nature for developing next generation bowel care products (29/1-3/6-2024) in collaboration with Coloplast AS
Camilla Smith Müller & Eda Aydin: Pain Experience from Different Cannulas (29/1-3/6-2024) co-supervised with Morten Stendahl Jellesen in collaboration with Novo Nordisk AS
Elias Haslund-Gjerrild & Emil Lynge Rasmussen: Enhancing usability in the Danish colorectal cancer screening program – in collaboration with Colofact (29/1-13/5-2024) co-supervised with Michael Deininger in collaboration with Colofact.
Nikolas Carreira Kaarsberg: Redesign of prosthetic stump interface socket and brand identity between products (9/9-2/12-2024) i collaboration with Snapform Aps

Wilhelm Petersen: A common Language for Integrated Engineering Design and Process Planning (1989-1992) Co-supervised with Leo Alting
Jan Haudrum: Creating the Basis for Process Selection in the Design Stage (1991-1994) Co-supervised with Leo Alting
Niki Bey: Environmental Evaluation in Materials and Process Selection (1997-2000) Co-supervised with Leo Alting and Michael Hauschild
Bin Liu: Accellerometer development based on FEM modelling.(1998-2001)
Max Munnecke: Foresight for innovators (2005-2010) Co-supervised with Ulrik Jørgensen
Martin Skjødt: Rapid Prototyping by Asymmetric Single Point Incremental Forming of Sheet Metal (2005-2008) Co-supervised with Niels Bay
Elisabeth Heimdal: Integrated Innovation with Textile Materials (2009-2013)
Karen Marie Hasling: Learning Through Materials (2012-2015) Co-supervised together with Vibeke Riisberg and Joy Boutrup
Farzaneh Omidvarnia: Design for micro manufacturing (2012-2015) Co-supervised together with Hans Nørgaard Hansen and Niels Henrik Mortensen
Matthias Geiselhart: (2017-2021) Design of innovative low-cost expanders for organic Rankine cycle power systems, co-supervised with Fredrik Haglin, Kristoffer Almdahl and Jürg Alexander Shiffmann
Nicklas Werge Svendsen: (2018-2021) Biomimetic artificial anterior chamber model for corneal transplantation, Co-supervised with Ali Özkil, Javier Cabrerizo (Glostrup Hospital) & Mark Alberti (Glostrup Hospital)

University committees

Chairman of the KPBMT Ph.D.-program (2002-2005)
Coordinator of the Ms.Sc.-program Manufacturing and Management (2001-2005)
Coordinator of the Ms.Sc.-program Design and Innovation (2005-2010)
Member of the central education commitee at DTU (2005-2011)
Member of the IPL teaching committee (2001-2008)
Chairman of the IPL-workshop committee (1997-2006)

Interesting Links

Manufacturing information
Design inSite
Ingeniørskolernes Procesdatabase (DTU-site)
Ingeniørskolernes Procesdatabase (AUC-site)

Huskeliste for review af artikler (in Danish)
Carsten Sørensen: This is not an article (cache copy)

Environment (Miljø)
List of environmental links in Design inSite.
Sustainable design, course material 2001 (In Danish).

The magical world of Thomas Nissen

Talks Fra idé til produkt - vi arbejder kun i plast, Plastindustriens temadag, 6 juni 2012.

Lenau, T. (1985) Computer Aided Process Planning, Master Thesis, The Technical University of Denmark, January 1985, Publ.no.: PI 85.04-B/AP 85.03, 105 pages (In Danish).

Lenau, T. and Alting, L. (1986), XPLAN - An expert process planning system, The Second International Expert Systems Conference, London, UK, Sept/Oct. 1986. Published by Learned Information Inc. Publ.nr.AP.86.26. p. 451-463.

Alting, L. and Lenau, T. (1986) Integration of the Engineering Functions in the CIM Philosophy, ISATA, Flims, Switzerland, 6-10 okt. 1986, 19 pages (TL has written p.10-18).

Alting L., Zhang H., Lenau T, (1988) XPLAN - an expert process planning system and its further development, Proc. of the 27 int. MATADOR conference, Manchester, UK, 20-21 april 1988. Publ.nr. AP.88.26, p.155-163.

Lenau, T. (1988) Computer Aided Process Planning, 50 min. Video for the European PACE education program, June 1988.

Lenau, T. and Alting, L.(1988) Artificial Intelligence for Process Selection, Journal of Mechanical Working Technology, Vol 17, August 1988, Elsevier Amsterdam, p. 33-49.

Lenau, T. (1988) ESOP - An expert system for selection of surface treatment processes, Institute for Product Development, The Technical University of Denmark, September 1988, Publ.no. AP 88.22, 36 pages+appendixes (in Danish).

Lenau, T. (1989) Knowlege based engineering design og manufacturing process planning, PhD-thesis, Procesteknisk Institut, The Technical University of Denmark, Publ.nr. PI89.08/AP89.07, february 1989, 202 pages.

Lenau, T. and Alting, L.(1989) Intelligent support system for product design, CIRP annals vol 38/1/1989, p.153-156. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0007-8506(07)62673-0 (presented at the CIRP general assembly in Trondheim, Norway august 1989).

Lenau, T., Leif Horn Nielsen and Leo Alting: Design for presure die casting - a DFM example, Presented at the International forum for design for manufacturing and assembly, Newport, RI, USA, June 1990, 10 pages.

Lenau, T. and Alting, L. (1990) Prequisites for CAPP, CIRP international seminar on manufacturing systems, University of Twente, the Netherlands, june 1990, 9 pages.

Lenau, T., Leslie Kristensen, Morten Als Pedersen, Wilhelm Petersen, Mogens Myrup Andreasen (1990) The relation between Design and Process planning, The third IPS research seminar held at Kalø, Denmark, August 1990, 18 pages, (in Danish).

Lenau, T.(1990) Models for manufacturing processes and process chains, Symposium Fertigungsgerechtes Konstruieren, Erlangen, Germany, 17-18 oktober 1990.

Lenau, T. and Alting, L.(1991) Prequisites for CAPP, Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 20 1991, pp.15-21.

Lenau, T., Alting, L. (1992) Models of Manufacturing Processes for Design Information Systems, Manufacturing Systems, vol 21 (1992) No.2. p.129-135.

Lenau, T., Leif Horn Nielsen and Leo Alting: Design for presure die casting - a DFM example, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer Verlag London, 1991, 6:141-154.

Lenau, T. og Lianchun Mu: Integrated models of products and their production, Symposium on feature based approaches to design and process planning, Loughborough University UK, 24-25 september 1991, 7 pages.

Lenau, T., Wilhelm Petersen, Jan Haudrum, Leslie Kristensen, and Mogens Myrup Andreasen: Interface between process planning and engineering design of components, Proceedings of the fifth IPS research seminar held at Fuglsø, Denmark 30/9-2/10 1991, p.135-162.

Lenau, T. (1992) Integrating process planning with product design, Keynote paper, Proceedings from The International CIRP seminar on Manufacturing Systems, DTH, Lyngby, Denmark, june 11-12, 1992, p. 21-34, member of the organising committee.

Lenau, T. og Lianchun Mu: Lenau, T., Lianchun Mu: Features in integrated modelling of products and their production, Int. journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1993, vol.6, nos. 1&2, p.65-73.

Lenau, T. (1992) Manufacturing constraint in concurrent product developement, Proceedings from The Seminar on Integrated Manufacture and Design: The IT Framework, UNICOM, London, 16-17 june 1992, p.45-55.

Lenau, T. and Kristensen, L.(1992) MADED - An information system for Manufacturing processes, The seventh IPS research seminar, Fuglsø, Oct. 1992, p.67-84.

Lenau, T. (1992) The process planners new roles, proceedings from IPS themeday on Hotel Munkebjerg, Vejle, Denmark, 19 november 1992, p.59-68 (in Danish).

Kristensen, L. and Lenau, T. (1993) MADED - An information system for Manufacturing processes, ICED'93 conference, The Hague, August 1993, p. 1093-1096.

Lenau, T. (1993) Integrating process planning with product design, Manufacturing systems, ISSN 0176-3377, 1993, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp.19-30.

Lenau, T. (1993) Design principles for environmentally sound products, 4. symposium "Fertigungsgerechtes Konstruieren", 14./15. Oct. 1993, Egloffstein, Germany, 10 s.

Lenau, T. and Haudrum, j. (1994) Cost evaluation of alternative production methods, Proceedings of the ninth IPS Research Seminar, Fuglsø, april 1994, Published by Institut for Produktion, AUC, p. 177-196.

Kristensen, L. and Lenau, T. (1994) Evaluating product concepts based on production aspects, Proceedings of the ninth IPS Research Seminar, Fuglsø, april 1994, Published by Institut for Produktion, AUC, p. 207-216.

Lenau, T. and Haudrum, J. (1994) Cost evaluation of alternative production methods, Design and Materials Journal, vol 15. no.4. 1994, p. 235-247.

Lenau, T.: Procesmodellering og proces/ materialevalg, IPS-temadag 27 okt. 1994 på Munkebjerg Hotel, Vejle, Published by Institut for Produktion, AUC, p. 61-70 (in Danish).

Lenau, T. (editor), Produktionsvenlig Konstruktion - Design for Manufacturing (DFM), course material for the DTU-course 8133, spring 1995.

Lenau, T.: User viewpoints on the manufacturing inspirator, Proceedings of the tenth IPS Research Seminar, Fuglsø, april 1995, Published by Institut for Produktion, AUC, p 29-42.

Lenau, T. and Egebøl, T. (1995) Early Cost Estimation for Die Casting, ICED'95, Praha, August 1995, p. 1007-1016.

Lenau, T. (1996) The missing element in design for manufacture, CIRP Annals vol. 45/1/1996, p. 105-108.

Lenau, T.: Design inSite - The designers guide to manufacturing, Danske Kunsthåndværkere (Danish Crafts), 1997 no. 2, p. 14-16 and 27-28.

Lenau, T. and Mazzilli, A. (1998) Electroplating cost estimation, The Danish Engineering Schools Process Database, 1998.

Bey, N. and Lenau, T. (1998) Oil-points - Designers means to evaluate sustainability of concepts, Proceedings of the thirteens IPS Research Seminar, Fuglsø, april 1998, Published by Institut for Produktion, AUC, 31 pages.

Bey, N. and Lenau, T. (1998) Designer' requirements for evaluation of sustainability, The 5th International CIRP seminar on Life Cycle Engineering in Stockholm sept. 16-18, 1998.

Lenau, T. and Mazzili, A. (1999): Calcolo dei costi di elettrodeposizione, Galvano tecnica e nuove finiture, Marzo-Aprile 1999, anno IX-L, ISSN 1121-855X, p.81-92

Bey, N. and Lenau, T. (1999) Creating the Data Basis for Environmental Evaluations with the Oil Point Method", Proceedings of the 6th international CIRP seminar on Life Cycle Engineering, June 21-23 1999, Kingston (ON), Canada, pp. 141 - 150.

Bey, N., Lenau, T., Larsen, M.H. (1999) Oil Points - Life Cycle Evaluations without the Data Problem", Lindemann et al. (edts.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), August 24-26 1999, Munich, Germany, vol. 1, pp. 469 - 472

Lenau, T., Ole Willum, Niels Frees, Stig Irving Olsen (2000) Green development within product families, Electronics goes green 2000+ conference, Berlin 11-13 september 2000.

Lenau, T., Niki Bey: Design of environmentally friendly products using indicators, International Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol 215 Part B, 2001, p.637-645.

Lenau, T. (2001) Material and process selction using product examples, Euromat 2001 Rimini, june 2001, 8 pages.

Lenau, T. (2001) Bæredygtig Design, IPL, DTU, Undervisningsnote, januar 2001, 9 sider (In Danish).

Lenau, T. (2002) Material and process selction using product examples, Advanced Engineering Materials 2002, 4, no. 6, 351-356, Wiley-WCH-Verlag.

Lenau, T., Niels Frees, Stig Irving Olsen, Ole Willum, Christine Molin, Henrik Wenzel (2002) Miljørigtig udvikling i produktfamilier - en håndbog, Miljøstyrelsen, Miljønyt nr. 67, 2002, 168 pages (In Danish)

Shu, L.H. Lenau, T.A., Hansen H.N.and Alting, L.(2003) Biomimetics applied to centeringin micro-assembly, CIRP-annals 2003, vol 52/1/2003, p.101-104.

Kara W. Johnsson, Lenau, T., Mike F.Ashby (2003)The Aestetic and Perceived Attributes of Products, ICED 2003, Stockholm.

Bey, N., Lenau, T., Ole Willum, Birgit Storm, Kristina Elverbakken (2003) Ecodesign, plast og innovation, Plastindustrien i Danmark, 2003, 163 pages (in Danish).

Lenau, T., Per Boelskifte: Soft and hard product attributes in design, The second Nordcode seminar, Helsinki, oct. 2003.

Lenau, T., Per Boelskifte: Soft and hard product attributes in design, The working paper F28, University of Art and Design in Helsinki , Helsinki, april. 2004, ISBN 951-558-133-8, p.6-13.

Lenau, T., Per Boelskifte: Semantik og materialevalg, Konference om Digitale designprodukter, Kolding Designskole, jan. 2004

Lenau, T. og Per Boelskifte: Communication of semantic properties, The 3rd Nordcode seminar, Lyngby 29-30/4-2004.

Klavs Helweg-Larsen, Lenau, T., Tore Kristensen, Susanne Malling, Jan Pasternak: Integreret Design, Danmarks Designskole 2004, 200 sider, ISBN 87-990222-0-6.

Lenau, T.: Forskning og forskeruddannelse i Design & Innovation paa DTU og i Danmark, NorFA workshop: Forskerutbildningsnetvärk teknisk design och industridesign, Gøteborg 27-28 september 2004.

Lenau, T.: Design & Materialer - udvikling & innovation, Konference om materialer og innovation i oplevelsessamfundet, Risø 22 november 2004.

Lenau, T., Per Boelskifte & Claus Thorp Hansen (2005) Impressions from the 3rd Nordcode Seminar & Workshop, The working paper F30, University of Art and Design in Helsinki, 2005, ISBN 951-558-135-4 (2005), 7-10.

Lenau, T. og Per Boelskifte (2005) Products search through the use of semantic properties - report from the experiment at Kunstindustrimuseet, The working paper F30, University of Art and Design in Helsinki, 2005, ISBN 951-558-135-4 (2005), p.11-23.

Lenau, T. og Per Boelskifte (2005) Verbal communication of semantic content in products, Nordes conference "In the making", May 30 - 31, 2005, Copenhagen.

Lenau, T. and Barfoed, M. (2007) Material Innovation - inspired by nature, Danish Metallurgical Society - Annual Winter Meeting, Middelfart 10-12 January 2007, 10 pages.

Lenau, T., Barfoed M. and Shu, L. (2007) Challenges in biomimetic design and innovation, Poster at the conference 'Bioinspired Nanotechnologies for Smarter Products', 20th - 21st March 2007 at the Society of Chemical Industry, London, organised by The Institute of Nanotechnology.

Lenau, T.and Barfoed, M. (2007) Teknisk udvikling med inspiration i naturen, Teknisk Nyt Special, Nr. 5a, Vol. 14, April 2007, p.25-26.

Skjoedt, M., Silva, M.B., Bay, N., Martins, P.A.F. and Lenau, T.: Single point incremental forming using a dummy sheet, ICNFT-the 2nd international conference on forming technology, Bremen, 20-21 september 2007, 267-276.

Lenau, T. and Barfoed, M. (2008) Colours and metallic sheen in beetle shells- a biomimetic search for material structuring principles causing light interference, Journal of Advanced Engineering Materials 10-4, 299-314, DOI: 10.1002/adem.200700346.

Krestine Mougaard, Henriette Nielsen, Mikkel Proschowsky, Tobias Toft, Thor Højlund Olsen, Max Munnecke, Torben Lenau: Practice theory as a tool for innovation, SIDeR 2008, March 27 – March 28, 2008, Sønderborg, Denmark, ACM 978-1-60558-012-8/08/04.

Lenau T. and Lindegaard, H.: Objects, materiality and meaning, Nordcode 2008, May 2008 Lund Sweden.

Lenau T., Cheong H. and Shu L. (2008) Sensing in nature - using biomimetics for design of sensors, Sensor Review, Vol 28-4, 2008, p.311-316. (2009 outstanding paper award).

Barfoed, M., Skaarup E. and Lenau, T.: Oxygenation by wave-energy - an approach to tackle the effects of eutrophication, Draft paper, 2008.

Larsen, M.L., and Lenau, T.: Durable Residual Wall Lining (DL) Installation Concepts and Acceptability as an IRS Replacement Tool for Malaria Vector Control, The 5th MIM Pan-African Malaria Conference, November 2009.

Lenau, T. (2008) New and smart materials - why and how, The Smart Space Conference, Vingstedcentret, Denmark, 11. December 2008.

Lenau, T. (2008) Bionik - med naturen som forbillede (Biomimetics - with nature as a role model), Radio program, Danmarks Radio p1 Videnskabens Verden 4. oktober 2008 kl. 16-17, can be heard or pod-casted from http://dr.dk/P1/Videnskabensverden/Udsendelser/2008/10/07101057.htm (in Danish).

Lenau, T.: Biomimetics – new and improved solutions inspired by nature, Invited viewpoint article, Sensor Review, Vol.29-2, 2009, p.96.

Lenau, T. and Lauritsen, S.B. (2009) Foresight, trends and materials – inspiration for future products, Working paper for the 8th Nordcode seminar and workshop, may 27-29, 2009, Kolding School of Design, Denmark

Heimdal, E., Lenau, T.A., Guglielmi, M. and Johannessen, H-L. (2009) Interactive Sample Book (ISB) – An Inspirational Tool for Smart Textiles, Working paper for the 8th Nordcode seminar and workshop, 27-29 May 2009, Kolding Denmark.

Lenau, T. A. (2009) Biomimetics as a design methodology – possibilities and challenges, International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'09 24 - 27 august 2009, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, vol. 5, p.121-132.

Lenau, T. A. ., Aggerbeck, M. & Nielsen, S (2009) Approaches to mimic the metallic sheen in beetles, SPIE Optics & Photonics - The Biomimetics and Bioinspiration conference, 2-6 August 2009, San Diego, USA, art.no 740107.

Lenau, T. and Heimdal, E. (2009) Textiles and innovation at DTU, Future Textiles - – theme day on technological and intelligent textiles, Centre for Textile Research, Copenhagen University, 3. November 2009.

Lenau, T., Dentel, A., Ingvarsdóttir, Þ. and Guðlaugsson T. (2010) Engineering Design of an Adaptive Leg Prosthesis Using Biological Principles, in Marjanovic D., Storga M., Pavkovic N. and Bojcetic N. (eds) (2010) International Design Conference - DESIGN 2010, Dubrovnik, University of Zagreb/The Design Society, pp 331-340

Lenau, T. (2010) Materialevalg med inspiration i naturen, Præsentation på Materialedagen 2010, Dansk Selskab for Materialeprøvning og -Forskning (DSM), DTU 22 april 2010.

Lenau, T. A.; Cheong, H.; Shu, L. (2010) Sensing in nature: using biomimetics for design of sensors, Measurement and Control 43.2:58-61 (Awarded best paper of the year)

Lenau, T.(2010) Inspiration i naturen, Inviteret artikel til til 'Akademisk kvarter' i temanummer om materialer i INFORM 0310, udgivet af Danske Designere, sommer 2010, s.30.

Heimdal, E. and Lenau, T.(2010) Physical tools for textile creativity and invention, Duck Journal for Research in Textiles and Textile Design, Loughborough University, ISSN: 2042-0854, summer 2010 Volume 1

Pedersen, T.H. and Lenau, T.(2010) Variable Geometry Casting of Concrete Elements Using Pin-Type Tooling, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. -- December 2010 -- Volume 132, Issue 6, 061015 (10 pages) doi:10.1115/1.4003122

Hansen, C.T. and Lenau, T.(2011) Develloping Enginering Design Core Competences through Analysis of Industrial Products, Proceedings of the 7th International CDIO Conference, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, June 20 - 23, 2011, p. 938-954.

Lenau, T.and Mejborn, C.O. (2011) Solving Global Problems Using Collaborative Design Processes, International Conference for Engineering Design, ICED11 15 - 18 August 2011, Technical University of Denmark

Lenau, T., Helten, K., Hepperle, C., Schenkl, S. and Lindemann, U. (2011)
Reducing Consequences of Car Collision Using Inspiration from Nature, IASDR2011 4th World Conference on Design Research, Delft The Netherlands, 31 October-4 November 2011.

Vedel-Smith N. and Lenau, T. (2012) Casting Traceability with Direct Part Marking using Reconfigurable Pin-Type Tooling based on Paraffin-Graphite Actuators, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 31-2, 113-120, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2011.12.001

Lenau, T. (2012) Nature inspired structural colour applications, In: Biomimetic in Photonics, ed. Olaf Karthaus, CRC Press p. 72-96 (Series in Optics and optoelectronics).

White, C.M., Howard, T.J. & Lenau, T. (2012) Oppertunities and barriers to straw construction, in: Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, DETC2012-70339

Heimdal, E.J., Lenau, T.A. and O'Mahony, M. (2012) Exploring Textiles in Architecture through Tangible Three-Dimensional Sketching Tools. MAKING conference 24-27 september 2012, Notodden, Norway.

Heimdal, E. J., Lenau, T.A. (2012) A Hands-On Approach for Exploring Textiles and Daylight in Architecture, Poster session presented at 3rd North American Materials Education Symposium, San Luis Obisco, CA, .

Lenau T. & Hesselberg, T. (2013) Self-organising and self-healing within biomimetics, in Engineered Biomimicry, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Raul Jose Martin-Palma (eds), Elsevier, pp.337-362.

Hansen, C.T. and Lenau, T.A. (2013) A Product Analysis Method and its Staging to Develop Redesign Competences, Advances in Engineering Education, Vol 3 Is. 4, Special issue on Product Dissection (available online at http://advances.asee.org/?publication=a-product-analysis-method-and-its-staging-to-develop-redesign-competencies

Keshwani S., Lenau T., Ahmed-Kristensen, S. and Chakrabarti, A.(2013) Benchmarking bio-inspired designs with brainstorming in terms of Novelty of design outcomes, ICED13 conference, Seoul Korea August 2013 (Reviewers Choise Award).

Lenau, T. and Hesselberg, T. (2014) Self-organisation and motion in plants, Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 9055, ISSN 0277-786X.

Ahmed-Kristensen, S., Christensen, B. T. and Lenau, T. (2014) Naturally original: Stimulating creative design through biological analogies and random images, International Design Conference - DESIGN 2014, Dubrovnik - Croatia, May 19 - 22, 2014.

Hasling, K.M. and Lenau, T. (2014) Development of the material selection practice in the design education - a study exploring articulation of material requirements, International conference on engineering and product design education 4 & 5 September 2014, University of Twente, The Netherlands, 6 pages.

Lenau, T.A.; Keshwani, S.; Chakrabarti, A. and Ahmed-Kristensen, S. (2015) Biocards and level of abstraction, In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15), Vol. 2: Design Theory and Research Methodology - Design Processes, Milan, Italy, 27.-30.07.2015

Lenau, T. & Hesselberg T. (2015) Dry sanitation concepts with inspiration from nature, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 5(2), 330-335, doi:10.2166/washdev.2015.178, available at http://washdev.iwaponline.com/content/5/2/330.full

Ellegaard, M., Lenau, T., Lundholm, N., Maibohm, C., Friis, S. M. M., Rottwitt, K., & Su, Y. (2016). The fascinating diatom frustule—can it play a role for attenuation of UV radiation? Journal of Applied Phycology, doi:10.1007/s10811-016-0893-5

Lenau, T.A., Hesselberg, T., Drakidis, A., Silva, P. and Gomes, S. (2017) Mosquito inspired medical needles, Proc. SPIE, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication vol. 10162, 1016208, doi: 10.1117/12.2261399. Available at https://orbit.dtu.dk/files/131800436/1016208.pdf

Lenau, T.A. (2017) Do Biomimetic Students Think Outside the Box? In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED17), Vol. 4: Design Methods and Tools, Vancouver, Canada, 21.-25.08.2017, p.543–551.

Keshwani, S., Lenau, T. A., Ahmed-Kristensen, S., & Chakrabarti, A. (2017). Comparing novelty of designs from biological-inspiration with those from brainstorming. Journal of Engineering Design, 28(10-12), 654–680. https://doi.org/10.1080/09544828.2017.1393504

Gomes, S., Drakidis, A., Silva, P. and Lenau, T.A. (2018) Spread of fluid: Role of tip configurations in needles, Skin Research and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 2, p. 235-241. DOI: 10.1111/srt.12419

Su, Y., Lenau, T. A., Gundersen, E., Kirkensgaard, J. J. K., Maibohm, C., Pinti, J. P. A., & Ellegaard, M. (2018). The UV filtering potential of drop-casted layers of frustules of three diatom species. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 959. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-19596-4

Omidvarnia, F.; Weng Feng, L.; Hansen, H. N.; Sarhadi, A.; Lenau, T. A.; Mortensen, N. H. (2018) Design for manufacturability of macro and micro products: a case study of heat exchanger design International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing,
Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 995–1006, doi.org/10.1007/s12008-018-0457-9

Lenau, T.A., Metze, A.-L. & Hesselberg, T. (2018). Paradigms for biologically inspired design, Proc. SPIE 10593, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication VIII, 1059302 (27 March 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2296560

Silva, P., Drakidis, A., Gomes, S., & Lenau, T. A. (2018). The Role of Impulse, Tissue Stretching, and Tip Geometry for Tissue Penetration of Polymer Needles. Journal of Medical Devices, 12(3), 031007. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4040492

Lenau, T. A., Orrù, A. M., & Linkola, L. (2018). Biomimicry in the Nordic Countries. Nordic Council of Ministers. https://doi.org/10.6027/NA2018-906

Ottosen, L. M., Bertelsen, I. G. M., Lenau, T., Bonefeld, B., Riisberg, V., Boldrin, A., Astrup, T. & Meyer, A. (2018). Analyse af biobaserede materialer. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. orbit.dtu.dk

Lenau, T., Ahmad, F., and Lakhtakia, A.(2019) Towards biomimetic red solar cells, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication IX. Raúl, J. M-P., Knez, M. & Lakhtakia, A. (eds.). SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 10965. 15 p. 109650E, doi: 10.1117/12.2513259, Paper presentation.

Yildiz, A. and Lenau, T.A. (2019) In Vitro Simulation of Tissue Back-Pressure for Pen Injectors and Auto-Injectors, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xphs.2019.03.035

Raudaskoski, A., Lenau, T. A., Jokinen, T., Gisslén, A. V., & Metze, A.-L. (2019). Designing plastics circulation: electrical and electronic products. Nordic Council of Ministers. https://doi.org/10.6027/TN2019-534

Svendsen, N., & Lenau, T. (2019). How Does Biologically Inspired Design Cope with Multi-Functionality? Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, 1(1), 349-358. doi:10.1017/dsi.2019.38

Lenau, T. (2019). Application Search in Solution-Driven Biologically Inspired Design. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, 1(1), 269-278. doi:10.1017/dsi.2019.30

Lenau, T.A., Pigosso, D.C.A, McAloone, T. & Lakhtakia, A. (2020) Biologically inspired design for environment, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication X. Raúl, J. M-P., Knez, M. & Lakhtakia, A. (eds.). SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 11374, doi.org/10.1117/12.2558498.

Robertson, O., Høgdal, F., Mckay, L. & Lenau T.A. (2020) Fungal future: a review of mycelium biocomposites as an ecological alternative insulation material, Proceedings of NordDesign 2020. Mortensen, N. H., Hansen, C. T. & Deininger, M. (eds.). Design Society, Vol. DS 101. 12 p, doi.org/10.35199/NORDDESIGN2020.18.

Svendsen, N. W., & Lenau, T. A. (2020). Approaches to analyzing multi-functional problems. Proceedings of Norddesign 2020, Mortensen, N. H., Hansen, C. T. & Deininger, M. (eds.). Design Society, Vol. DS 101. 12 p, doi.org/10.35199/NORDDESIGN2020.50

Lenau, T.A. and Lakhtakia, A. (2021) Biologically Inspired Design: A Primer, Springer Cham Publishers DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-02091-9 ISBN: 978-3-031-02091-9

Klysner N.F., Lenau T.A. , Lakhtakia A. (2021) Building-integrated photo-voltaics: market challenges and bioinspired solutions, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication XI. Raúl, J. M-P., Knez, M. & Lakhtakia, A. (eds.). SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 11586, 115860C, DOI: 10.1117/12.2583504

Svendsen N.W., Lenau T.A. And Hansen C.T. (2021) The relationship between functions and outcomes of biologically-inspired design, Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, p3091-3100, DOI: 10.1017/pds.2021.570

Geiselhart, M., Lenau, T. A., Schiffmann, J., & Haglind, F. (2021)A reduced order model to predict the machining time and cost of small-scale radial-inflow turbines. In Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems Technical University of Munich.

Wandall A.P., Lenau T.A., and Lakhtakia A. (2022)Biological approaches to electrical conductance in non-metallic materials for engineered products, Proc. SPIE 12041, Paper No. 120410B (20 April 2022); doi: 10.1117/12.2612891

Boizumault L.G.U., Lenau T.A., Harris E.J.S and Simsek G. (2023) Bio-inspired light radiating, air circulating, and expanding mechanisms , Proc. Proc. SPIE 12481, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication XIII, 1248104 (27 April 2023); doi: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2658493 (Craig F. Bohren Best Student Presentation Award 1st Place)

Gregersen, T., Wild, T. A., Havmøller, L. W., Møller, P. R., Lenau, T. A., Wikelski, M., & Havmøller, R. W. (2023). A novel kinetic energy harvesting system for lifetime deployments of wildlife trackers. Plos One, 18(5), e0285930. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0285930